Me: Write a blog post comparing chatGPT to ETFs
ChatGPT and ETFs are two very different things, so it's difficult to compare them directly. However, both are interesting in their own ways, and understanding the differences between them can be helpful in understanding how each can be used.
[.. the rest of ChatGPT's answer read like an 7th grader's essay... so I thought to explain further... ]
Yes, that makes sense. ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI, which means that it has been trained on a huge amount of data and can generate text that sounds like it was written by a human. However, it is not capable of creating new knowledge or making unique insights. It can only generate text based on the knowledge it has been trained on.
Similarly, ETFs are based on the systemic knowledge of the market as a whole. Buying a market ETF will give you exposure to the overall market, but it won't allow you to make unique bets or take advantage of mispriced securities. It will simply track the performance of the market index or basket of assets that the ETF is based on.
However, both ChatGPT and ETFs can be used as a starting point for human ingenuity and talent. In the case of ChatGPT, a person can use the generated text as a starting point and then focus on improving it and adding their own unique insights. With ETFs, a person can use the market knowledge provided by the ETF as a starting point and then focus on identifying mispriced securities and making bets on them in order to potentially outperform the market. In both cases, human ingenuity and talent can be used to build on the systemic knowledge provided by ChatGPT or ETFs in order to create something new and unique.
In his widely-read post on web3 , Moxie Marlinspike re-iterates over and over again that “If there’s one thing I hope we’ve learned about the world, it’s that people do not want to run their own servers.” The image he seems to have in mind is of a big old-style PC with a cd-drive sitting under the messy desk of a nerd, who spends his(!) time making sure it is running smoothly. So of course, seen in that way, as Moxie notes, “Even nerds do not want to run their own servers at this point.” But then he goes on to say that “Even organizations building software full time do not want to run their own servers at this point.” And therein lies his logical flaw. All these “organizations building software” do have their own servers – except that the servers are running in the cloud – some are even called ‘serverless’. Of course individuals don’t want to maintain physical personal servers sitting under their desks, but, much like those software organizations, we may all very well want to have our own personal servers in the cloud, if these were easy enough to install and maintain, and if we had a rich eco-system of apps running on them.
This has been an ideal since the beginnings of web1, when, as Moxie himself says, we believed “that everyone on the internet would be both a publisher and consumer of content as well as a publisher and consumer of infrastructure” – effectively implying that we each have our own personal servers and control our data environment. Moxie says it is too “simplistic” to think that such an ideal is still attainable. Many web3 enthusiasts believe web3 can provide the answer. My view is that (regardless of the number we put in front of it), at some point, technology and technology mores will have advanced far enough to make such a personal server ecosystem feasible. We may be close to that point today.
But before laying out my reasoning, let me present two other minor critiques of Moxie’s excellent article.
First is the way in which Moxie criticizes what he calls “protocols”, as being too slow compared to “platforms”. Although he may be right in the specific examples he notes – i.e. that private-company-led initiatives from the likes of Slack and WhatsApp have been able to move so much faster than standard open ‘protocols’ such as IRC – he makes this argument in a general context of web2 vs web3, and thus seems to imply that ALL open community-led projects will fail because private-led initiatives will inevitably innovate faster. But how could such a statement be reconciled with something like Linux, the quintessential open source project which is the most used operating system to access the web and to run web servers? How can one not think of html and the web itself, and javascript, each of which are open platforms, or simple agreed-upon conventions – upon which so much innovation has been created over the past decades? In defense of Moxie’s point, if you talk to anyone involved in the development of these over the years, chances are that they will complain about how slow moving their respective technical committees can be. But perhaps that is how fundamental tech building blocks should be – it is precisely the slow-moving (and arguably even technologically under-innovative) nature of platforms and protocols that provides the stability needed for fast-moving innovators to build on them. The critical societal question isn’t whether a particular protocol or web3 initiative will be innovative in and of itself, but whether any one or multiple such initiatives will serve as a foundation upon which multiple fast-moving innovations can be built, preferably using an architecture which supports a healthy ecosystem. The base elements (or ‘protocols’) don’t necessarily need to be fast moving themselves – they just need to have the right architecture to induce innovations on top of them.
In this light, as Azeem Azhar has noted, a couple of the more interesting web3 initiatives are those that are trying to use crypto-currency-based compensation schemes to create a market mechanism for services, thus tackling problems that web2 companies had previously failed to solve. One example is Helium, which is a network of wifi hotspots, and another is Ethereum Swarm, which is creating a distributed personal storage system. Both of these ideas had been tried a decade or two ago but never gained the expected popularity, and they are now being reborn with a web3 foundation and incentive system. Indeed, as it tends to, technology may have advanced far enough today to make them successful.
My last critique of Moxie’s article is that he contends that any web2 interface to web3 infrastructure will inevitably lead to immense power concentration for the web2 service provider, due to the winner-takes-all nature of web2. I would contend that it does not need to be that way, and we can point to the cloud infrastructure services market as evidence. This may be seem like a counter-intuitive example, given the dominance of big-tech and especially Amazon’s AWS of the cloud infrastructure market, but the dynamics of this market are vastly different from the b2c markets that are dominated by the same big-tech companies (Google, Amazon, and Microsoft). Despite every effort by these big-tech usual suspects to try and provide proprietary add-ons to their cloud services so as to lock in their customers, they are ultimately offering services on a core open-source tech stack. This means that they are competing on a relatively level playing field to offer their services, knowing that each of the thousands of businesses that have thrived on their infrastructure can get up and leave to a competing cloud provider. The customers are not locked in by the network effects that are typically seen in b2c offerings. That is clear from the rich ecosystem of companies that have thrived on these platforms. Furthermore, not only can competitors in the cloud infrastructure market take on various niche portions of this giant market, but new entrants like Cloudflare and Scaleway can also contemplate competing head-on.. This competition, which is enabled by the existence of a core open-source tech stack, keeps even the most dominant service providers honest(!) as their customers continue to be king. There is no better evidence for that than the vibrancy of the ecosystems built on top of these services, and in stark contrast to the consumer world where the lack of interoperability and the strength of the lock-ins provide immense barriers to entry. Given a similar architecture, there is no reason these same dynamics can’t be transposed to the personal server space and the b2c market.
Yet, by going in with the assumption that such a thing is impossible, Moxie misses the opportunity to think through what new architectural solutions are possible by combining web3 elements with our existing technological interactions, and whether such new architectures could enable strong enough competition and portability, to curb the winner takes-all dynamics of the current b2c consumer web services market.
This brings us back to my pet peeve of personal servers – a concept that has been around for more than a decade, and that the tech world has come to believe will never work. The question is: have recent developments in tech fundamentally shifted the landscape to make the original ideal of web1 viable again. My view is that the stars may be finally lining up, and that such an architecture is indeed possible.
✨ Web 3
A first star may be the launch of Ethereum Swarm, “a system of peer-to-peer networked nodes that create a decentralised storage”. As mentioned, Swarm uses Ethereum smart contracts as a basis of an incentive system for node participants to store data. It is quintessentially web3. Yet, it acts as a core infrastructure layer, on which anything can be built. So, the Fair Data Society, a related organization, built fairdrive, a web2 based gateway to access this storage infrastructure – a key building block for allowing other web2 based applications on top of it. Moxie’s blog post would argue that any such web2 interface would reconcentrate power in the hands of the same web2 service provider. But that really depends on what is built within and on top of that gateway – the architecture that lays on top of the foundational storage. If the data stored is in an easily readable format, based on non-proprietary and commonly used standards; and if there are multiple competing gateways to access this data, allowing anyone to switch providers within a minute or two, then there is no reason for those web2 interface service providers to be able to concentrate undue power.
So how could these two elements come together – the data format and the portability / switch-ability?
🤩 Web 2 Switch-ability
As mentioned above, the competition among b2b cloud infrastructure providers has continued to allow for immense value to accrue to their customers. Until now, these customers have been other businesses that use the cloud. Even so, the cloud providers have done such a good job providing better and better solutions for these customers, which are ever easier to deploy, that such solutions have become almost easy enough to be also deployed for consumers. So not only can one easily envisage a world where multiple service providers compete by providing the best possible personal cloud services to consumers, one does not even need to wait for that. Today, it takes just a few clicks to create a new server on Heroku or on or a myriad of other services. Anyone can easily set up their own server within a few minutes. This bodes well for a leading edge of tech-savvy consumers to do exactly that!
But then what? What would you put on those servers? What data, and in what format? How can you make sure that such data is compatible across server types, and that such servers are interoperable (and switch-able), wherever they may sit?
💫 Web1 and the Personal Server Stack
A first step towards such interoperability is the CEPS initiative, which came out of the 2019 conference and aimed to define a set of Common Endpoints for Personal Servers and datastores so that the same app can communicate to different types of personal servers using the same url endpoints. (ie the app only needs to know the base url of each user’s server to communicate with it, rather than create a new API for every server type.) With CEPS, any app developer can store a person’s app data on that person’s personal storage space, as long as the storage space has a CEPS compatible interface. CEPS also starts to define how different CEPS-compatible servers can share data with each other, for example to send a message, or to give access to a piece of data, or to publish something and make it publicly accessible. This data, “users’ data” – sitting on their personal servers is assumed to be stored in nosql data tables associated with each app. And whether the data is sitting in flat files or a cloud-based data base, it can easily be downloaded by its owner and moved somewhere else without losing its cohesiveness. This ensures that ‘user-data’ is indeed easily portable and so the ‘user’ or ‘data-owner’ can easily switch services – ie that the service provider doesn’t have a lock-in on the data-owner.
A second step would be to also store the apps themselves on the personal data space. Code is data after all, and so, having our apps be served from other persons’ servers seems incompatible with the aim of controlling our own data environments. It would leave too much room for app providers to gain the kind of power Moxie has warned us against. These apps, like one’s data, also need to be in a readable format and transportable across servers and mediums. Luckily, since the advent of web1, we have all been using such apps on a daily basis – these are the html, css and javascript text files that together make up each and every web page. Instead of having the app-providers host these files, these files can also be stored on each person’s personal storage space and served from there. Then each data-owner would have control over their data, as well as the app itself. The use of such an old standard not only ensures easy portability of the apps, but it also means that thousands of developers, even novices, would be able to build apps for this environment, or to convert their existing web-apps to work in that environment. It also implies that the server-layer itself plays a very small role, and has less of an opportunity to exert its dominance.
I started this essay by claiming that people “may very well want to have their own personal servers in the cloud, if these were easy enough to install and maintain, and if they had a rich eco-system of apps running on them.” I have tried to depict an environment which may have a chance of meeting this criteria. If we start by converting our existing web-apps to this architecture, we may be able to use the web3 foundation of Swarm to forge a path towards the web1 ideals of controlling our web environment and data, all with the ease-of-use and the ease-of-development which we have gotten used to from web2.
🌹 Any Other Name
So then, the only problem remaining would be the name ‘Personal Server’… because Moxie may be right on that too: after all these years of false starts, it has become such a truism that no one would ever want a ‘personal server’, that the term itself may be too tainted now for anyone to want to run one.. so perhaps we should just rename ‘personal servers’ to “Serverless Application Platforms”.
Note: freezr is my own implementation of a personal server (ahem.. Serverless Application Platform), consistent with the architecture laid out above.
I will giving a demo of freezr at the We are Millions hackathon on March 10th.
I modified NeDB for freezr so it can use async storage mediums, like AWS S3 and or personal storage spaces like dropbox. The code is on github, and npmjs.
Each new storage system can have a js file that emulates the 16 or so functions required to integrate that storage system into nedb-asyncfs. A number of examples (like dbfs_aws.js) are provided under the env folder on github. Then, to initiate the db, you call the file as such:
const CustomFS = require('../path/to/dbfs_EXAMPLE.js')
const db = new Datastore({ dbFileName, customFS: new CustomFS(fsParams)})
where dbFileName is the name of the db, and fsParams are the specific credentials that the storage system requires. For example, for aws, fsParams could equal:
To make this work, I moved all the file system operations out of storage.js and persistence.js to dbfs_EXAMPLE.js (defaulting to dbfs_local.js which replicates the original nedb functionality), and made two main (interrelated) conceptual changes to the NeDB code:
1. appendfile - This is a critical part of NeDB but the function doesn't exist on cloud storage APIs, so the only way to 'append' a new record would be to download the whole db file and then add the new record to the file and then re-write the whole thing to storage. Doing that on every db update is obviously hugely inefficient. So instead, I did something a little different: Instead of appending a new record to the end of the db file (eg 'testdb.db'), for every new record, I create a small file with that one record and write it to a folder (called '~testdb.db', following the NeDB naming convention of using ~). This makes the write operation acceptably fast, and I think it provides good redundancy. Afterwards, when a db file is crashsafe-written, all the small record-files in the folder are removed. Similarly, loading a database entails reading the main dbname file plus all the little files in the ~testdb.db folder, and then appending all the records to the main file in the order of the time they were written.
2. doNotPersistOnLoad - it also turns out that persisting a database takes a long time, so it is quite annoying to persist every time you load the db, since it slows down the loading process considerably... So I added a donotperistOnLoad option. By default the behaviour is like NeDB now, but in practice you would only want to manage persisting the db at the application level... eg it makes more sense to have the application call 'persistence.compactDatafile()' when the server is less busy.
Of course, latency is an issue in general, and for example, I had to add a bunch of setTimeOuts to the tests for them to work... mostly because deleting files (specially multiple files, can take a bit of time, so reading the db right after deleting the 'record files' doesnt work. and I also increased the timeout on the tests. Still, with a few exceptions below, all the tests passed for s3, google Drive and dropbox. Some notes on the testing:
I made one other general change to the functionality: I don't think empty lines should be viewed as errors. In the regular NeDB, empty lines are considered errors but the corruptItems count starts at -1. I thought it was better to not count empty lines as errors, but start the corruptItems count at 0. (See persistence.js) So I added a line to persisence to ignore lines that are just '/n'
Finally, nedb-asyncfs also updates the dependencies. underscore is updated to the latest version, as the latest under nedb had some vulnerabilities. I also moved binary-search-tree inside the nedb code base, which is admittedly ugly but works. (binary-search-tree was created by Louis Chariot for nedb, and the alternative would have been to also fork and publish that as well.)
vulog is a chrome extension that allows you to (1) bookmark web pages, highlight text on those pages, and take notes, (2) save your browsing history, and (3) see the cookies tracking you on various web sites (and delete them).
I wrote the first version of vulog 3 years ago to keep a log of all my web pages. It seemed to me that all the large tech companies were keeping track of my browsing history, and the only person who didn't have a full log was me! I wanted my browsing history sitting on my own personal server so that I can retain it for myself and do what I want with it.
At the time, I had also added some basic bookmarking functions on vulog, but I have been wanting to extend those features and make them much more useful:
So these are all now implemented in the new vulog here:
The code is all on github.
This post is supposed to be a live document with the following sections:
Here are some known problems and deficiencies with vulog :
Current tab
Click on the vulog button to see the main "Current" tab, and tag a page or bookmark it using these buttons:
- The 'bookmark' and 'star are buttons for regular bookmarking.
- The 'Inbox' button is for items you want to read later. You can also right click on any web link on web pages you visit and add it to your vulog inbox right from the web page.
- Links marked with 'archive' do not show in default search results when you do a search from the Marks tab. For example, once you have read a page from your inbox, you might want to remove the 'inbox' mark, and add it to your 'archive'.
- The 'bullfrog' button makes the link public. Note that you need a CEPS compatible server to store your data and to publish it, if you want to use this feature. (See Below)
Marks tab
In the Marks tab, you can search for items you have bookmarked.
Click on the bookmark icons to filter your results. (eg clicking on inbox turns the icon green and only shows items that have been marked 'inbox'. Clicking it again will turn the button red, and you will only see items that have NOT been marked 'inbox'. You will notice that the 'archive' mark is red by default, so that archived items do not appear in the default search results.
In the marks tab, you can search for the items you have bookmarked.
When clicking on bookmark buttons, you will filter your results. (eg clicking on inbox turns the icon green and only shows items that have been marked 'inbox'. Clicking it again will turn the button red, and you will only see items that have NOT been marked as inbox. You will notice that the 'archive' mark is red by default, so that archived items do not appear in the default search results.
History tab
Search your history. The general search box searches for words used in your tags and notes and highlights, as well as meta data associated with the page.
Right Clicking on web pages
On any web page, you can right click on text you have selected to highlight it, and you can right click on a any link to add it to your inbox
Cntrl/Cmd S on web pages
When you are on any web page, you can press cntrl-S (or cmd-S for mac) and a small menu appears on the top right corner of the web page, to allow you to bookmark it. While the menu is open, pressing cntrl/cmd-I adds to inbox, cntrl/cmd-A archives, cntrl/cmd-B adds a bookmark, and pressing cntrl/cmd-S again adds a star. You can remove marks by clicking on them with your mouse. The Escape key gets rid of the menu, which disappears automatically after a few seconds in any case.
Data storage
Your bookmarks and browser history is kept in the chrome's local storage, which has limited space. After some weeks (or months depending on usage), vulog automatically deletes older items.
vulog doesn't send any of your data to any outside servers, and you can always delete your data from the 'More' tab. If you want to store your data on your own server, you will need to set up a Personal Data Store. vulog was built to be able to accept CEPS-compatible data stores. (See here for more details on CEPS - Common End Points for Personal Servers and data stores. )
Having your data sit on your personal data store also means that you can publish your bookmarks and highlights and notes. Press the bullhorn button to publish the link from your server.
I expect to use vulog as an example app for the development of the CEPS sharing protocol.
Highlighting functionality was largely copied from Jérôme Parent-Lévesque. (See here.)
Rendering function (dgelements.js) was inspired by David Gilbertson (who never expected someone would be crazy enough to actually implement his idea I think.)
CEPS provides a way for applications to work with multiple data stores. For developers, this means that you can create a new app knowing that it can run on various compliant datastore systems. For Personal Data Store (PDS) system providers, it means that you can have that many more apps to offer to users of your data store. If CEPS is adopted widely, the personal data store ecosystem can only be enriched.
Today, a number of different personal data store systems are pursuing similar ends – to grant users full control over their personal data, effectively freeing them from the current web services model where third party web sites and applications are retaining all our personal data. Yet, today, each of these PDSs has its own proprietary technology and methods to allow third parties to build apps running on those data-stores.
This is a paradox that can only slow down the adoption of PDSs:
In this light, CEPS is the start of an effort to create some economies of scale in this nascent industry.
In its current inception, CEPS has a minimum viable set of functions to run basic apps on PDSs. It allows the app to authenticate itself on the PDS, and then write records, read and query them, and update or delete the app’s own records.
Here is how it works in practice. In the video, you see a desktop app – in this case a note taking app called Notery, but it could have also been a mobile phone app. The app connects to my PDS which is in the cloud, uses it as its store of data. Any mobile app or desktop application that you can think of could use the same model. They don’t need to send your data to some server you have no control over – using CEPS, they can store your data on your own data store.
This second clip is similar. It is an app called Tallyzoo, with which you can record and count various things. It also connects to my server and keeps data there. This is significant for two main reasons.
First, Tallyzoo wasn’t written by me. It is easy to connect some app to some server if the same person is writing both. But in this case, the app was written by Christoph from OwnYourData without any knowledge of my server. The only thing that Christoph knew was that my server would accept CEPS commands. And that’s all he needed to allow me to use Tallyzoo and store my Tallyzoo data on MY personal data store.
Second, the Tally Zoo app is a server based app – it is a web service. It is like all the great web sites we visit every day. It runs on a third party server and I am like any other user visiting a web site. The only difference is that Tallyzoo doesn’t keep my data on its own servers – it keeps the data on MY server. This is really significant in that it points to a model for all web sites to store our data on our data stores rather than on their servers.
This is a simple difference, and CEPS is a tiny little and simple specification. Yet the example above points to a world wide web which could be radically different from the one we interact with today. It shows that indeed, there is no reason for any web site – any third party company – to keep any of our data on their servers.
This may be a world worth striving for.
tl;dr: A description of the level playing field created by the personal server paradigm.
Ultimately, any for-profit entity would like to become as close to a monopoly as possible – that’s how they can charge the most for their product and make the most profit. And web services companies have all the right ingredients to become quasi-monopolies in their domain: highly scalable services, zero marginal costs, a dispersed customer base (of users and/or advertisers) who have little bargaining power, ad-supported zero-dollar-cost services, high switching costs with network effects… All of these ingredients can make web services great businesses. Ironically, just as capitalism and internet-economics reinforce companies’ monopolistic tendencies, such monopolies inevitably stifle innovation and over time, they blunt the greatest advantages of market-based capitalist economies – that is, the dynamism and innovation brought on by strong competition.
In contrast, the personal server paradigm can level the playing field, and force technology companies and service providers to continuously compete to deliver the best value proposition to end-users. In the previous post, I hinted at how that would work at the application level: Because you can easily switch apps without losing your data, you are not locked in to any particular interface or any particular company creating any particular app. Developers and companies can continuously compete to provide better interfaces to the same basic application functionality. To make an analogy to the web services model, this would be like being able to use the Snapchat app to message your friends on Facebook and retaining access to your data across both platforms.
As importantly, the personal server paradigm can also create competition for back-end infrastructure. Because you have full app-portability and data freedom, you can easily change where you host your personal server. You can of course host it on a computer sitting at home. But more likely, most people would likely host their personal servers in the cloud, using service providers like Amazon, or Google or Microsoft. The difference here is that because you can easily switch your personal server provider, they would not enjoy monopolistic control over you. So they would need to do everything they can to compete for your business and offer you better services and / or lower prices. One could imagine a Dropbox or Amazon offering this service with different prices based on the amount of data you are storing. Alas, Google might offer to host it at a lower price if you give them the right to scan your data and serve advertisements to you. And most importantly, each of these would compete to convince you that they are the most secure guardians of your data. Your privacy and control would not be driven by government mandates but by the powerful forces of competition.
This scenario is not as fanciful as it may seem at first read. Today, Amazon and Google Microsoft and others are already competing to provide cloud services to their corporate customers. And although they all try to entice their customers with special offers which locks them into their platforms, it is actually quite simple to switch.
For example, I had my personal server, originally hosted on Amazon – they had offered me a year for free. It took me only a few minutes to switch it over to try Google, and then a month or two later, I easily switched to Heroku. (In this case, I had kept the same data base and file servers.) In each case, my domain was also switched to the new provider and so any links I may have had (such as would be unaffected by the move. Of course, it took some rudimentary technical knowledge to make these switches. But then again, these services are not aimed at consumers today – they are targeting developers who have the technical knowledge required. Even so, it only took some minutes for me to switch web servers and I didn’t have to use any fancy software – it was all via a point-and-click web interface. This is all the result of the more level playing field these companies face in the corporate cloud services market.
What’s more, this competition has made setting up a web server not much more complicated than setting up an account on Google or facebook. (see It’s all done via a web interface, and it only takes a few minutes. If anything, it has become slightly harder in the past 2-3 years to set up a freezr personal server on various services, because these services are focusing more and more on larger corporate customers, rather than amateur developers who want to set up their own servers. This is also reflected in the price tiers offered by such providers. For example, Red Hat Openshift’s trial jumps from 0 or trial usage to more than $50 per month – a jump to the high levels of usage more appropriate for corporate servers than personal servers and budgets. Clearly, if the personal server paradigm becomes popular, and many people require hosted personal servers, these same providers can easily tweak their offerings to make them even more consumer-friendly, and offer more attractive prices to them. Meanwhile, despite the fact that these companies are not targeting the (as of yet non-existent) personal server market, viable hosting solutions can be had at less than $7 per month with Heroku for example, or even potentially for free at basic usage levels. (Google Cloud recently made changes to their offering that should make it quasi free at low usage levels.)
What is amazing about competitive private markets is that they help to level the playing field – something which is markedly lacking in the technology world today. Companies like facebook and Amazon and Google have amazing technologies and amazing engineers developing their offerings. Wouldn’t it be nice if they competed to gain our loyalty without locking up our data?
tl;dr We need to be careful of the faults of decentralised systems, yet reassured by the strength of the principles underlying them. (Part of a series of posts.)
It can be instructive to compare Tim Berners Lee to Mark Zuckerberg. For example, why aren’t there any media articles holding Tim responsible for all the web sites that carry misinformation and viruses? He did invent the web that propagates all these horrors, didn’t he? Similarly, why don’t we hold the ARPANET or the US military responsible for all the email scams we receive in our inboxes? And yet we hold Mark and his company responsible for all the terrible things taking place on Facebook. Isn’t he just providing a communication utility and platform much like email and the web? Isn’t he just reaping the old reward of providing a great way for us to connect to each other using our real identities? Do we not remember the days before facebook, when it was impossible to verify identities on social networks, the days when we could not easily find nor connect to our old friends? Why should it matter that it is one company that has attracted so many users and presumably created value for them, rather than a decentralised system like the world wide web, which is based on a public communication protocol?
There are many ways to think about these questions, but I pose them here to first make the point that decentralised systems too can also be plagued by a variety of problems – identity theft, ransomware and child pornography web sites are among the dark sides of the internet.
And in many cases, the solutions to the problems plaguing open networks seem much harder to resolve than centralised ones. If we think there is an issue with Facebook or Twitter, we know that there is a company behind them that controls all the software running their web sites. We know that it is technically possible for Twitter or facebook to ban a “bad” actor from their sites if need be. So, we can shout and write nasty articles and sue them and ask Mark to “fix it, already”. But if we are outraged by a nasty web page or get caught in a phishing email, there is no one to shout at - no one person or company we can point at to solve the problem or to ban a web site. And the more decentralised and the more rigid a decentralised system may be, the harder it will be to solve the problem. This is something that any proponent of any decentralised system must be continuously wary of.
We should all be careful what we ask for.
Yet, problems on decentralised networks can also get solved, even if there is no one person we can ask to solve them. Take spam. A few years ago, it was quite common to get emails from Nigerian princes for example – a problem not totally dissimilar to the misinformation plaguing companies like Twitter and facebook today. And in this particular case of email spam, the fact that these emails are rare today seems to indicate that the participants in the decentralised email protocol succeeded in solving the problem. Yet, as pointed out to me by a very knowledgeable friend, the resolution of email spam cannot be really used as an argument in support of decentralised power structures in general –the reason this particular problem was solved is that a very few large companies dominate email services. So, as my friend pointed out, it was not the dispersion of the decentralised email protocol that drove the resolution but the power of the large oligopolies dominating the service. Although this may be true, I would argue that the concentration of players in the market is not necessarily the critical indicator here. Rather, it is underlying market structure they are operating in, and the system of governance surrounding it. Even if it was a handful of trillion-dollar behemoths that solved the email spam problem, they were on a level playing field competing to offer better services to their users and to solve such problems for them. Imagine an alternate world where Google had invented email, and that it controlled 100% of all email traffic from the get-go. Then, could we have expected Google to resolve the email problem in a new or innovative way? Isn’t it more likely that they would be entrenched in the way they had done things in the past, that they would be constrained by the business models and methods that had allowed them to dominate 100% of email traffic, and thus be blind to new ways to solve the spam problem?
Indeed, monopolies do stifle innovation.
But stifling innovation is not the only problem with monopolies - it is the values, the ethics and dynamics that are reflected in the underlying market structure and their systems of governance. It is as much a philosophical question than an economic one.
As our lives are increasingly being led online, our interactions and our data-trail are also becoming part of our Being. Our Self is reflected in, and to some extent even defined by its existence on the internet. So, it becomes even more important to think of the systems of governance we are creating through the lens of political theory.
The questions facing us now are not dissimilar to the existential dilemmas which we faced in the mid 20th century, when we grappled with the egalitarian promise of centrally planned communist economies versus the seemingly unjust and certainly unruly and messy market economies of Western democracies. It was not just that centrally planned economies stifled innovation and created inefficient economies. It was also about the structure of the system we were striving for – the values it incorporated, the rights it bestowed on citizens and the freedoms it upheld.
We can also draw analogies to the early 20th century, when Europe was still a dominant Colonial power. At the time, a pro-Colonialist might have argued that things would be much “worst” under a “native” ruler, and point to the many good things Western Civilisation had burdened to bring to the colonies. Arguably, using a measure like GDP, that assertion may well have been correct. For the sake of argument, let us assume it was - that indeed, colonialism led to higher GDP. Similarly, we can even assume that by some measures, the Colonial leadership provided more effective management, and a superior legal system for its colonised subjects. I would digress to note that an officer of the highest honesty and moral fibre within a particular world-view can be seen to commit heinous crimes from other perspectives. But even if we ignore this dissonance, even if we assume that the autocracy of Colonialism engendered an orderly system which created greater wealth for the colonised and a far better legal system, where incorruptible courts could punish and ban “bad” actors, we would still be wrong. We would still be overlooking those most valuable attributes that were of paramount importance to the colonised: their freedom and their autonomy.
So too, with data.
tl;dr A theoretical framework for dis-aggregating the web services stack and separating front end apps from back-end servers (databases, files, permissioning). (Part of a series of posts.)
When I took programming back up a decade or so ago, I fell in love with JavaScript. The learning curve for JavaScript is such a joyful ride of wonder. We can just open a console in our browser and start writing code. We can create complex web pages on our local drive using a simple text editor. Step by step, we are empowered to create ever more sophisticated interactions.
But then we get stuck when we want to store a piece of data in a database or a save a file in file-system, or if we want more than one person to use our new web page. Suddenly, we have to learn to set up web-servers and database servers and file servers and configure all of these so that they work together and we have to administer them so they don’t break down.
It struck me that for almost all apps that I use or imagined I wanted, the bulk of the unique value proposition lay in the front-end interface. Besides that, the basic work of writing and reading from databases and file systems and administering the services all seemed common across all apps. I don’t mean to say that all the unique back-end processing done by web-services companies are of zero incremental value to me. I am just suggesting that many apps might work quite well with only a restricted set of core generic back-end functions.
Let’s define the “front end” portion of an app as a package of html, css and javascript files that define the interactions with the user. Then, let us assume that these apps could call on a set of common commands to access file and database servers. I will use the freezr namespace to define those commands as follows:
Think of the many applications we use to store our personal content - be it a note taking app, a blogging or tweeting tool, a simple spreadsheet, a photo storage and sharing app, or any collaboration or messaging tool. I would posit that each of them could provide a great user-experience with just these few commands, and almost no other back-end functionality. Assuming there is a server that can handle the back end of these commands – that is, reading from and writing to databases and file systems - the apps themselves could all be reduced to a simple zip file containing html, css and JavaScript files running on the front end*.
I propose that personal servers have the capability to “install” such apps. In other words, you should be able to upload a zip file of html/css/js files and have it serve those pages to you, so you can “use” the app. In such a model, the app become fully portable and autonomous. I can change the app if I want. I can move it to another server and a completely different back end environment. I can delete it. I can share it. And most importantly, I can do all this without needing the permission of the app developer or anyone else.
The portability of apps from one server to another, based on a common set of back-end commands also changes the dynamics of app distribution. A developer can be confident that their app can be installed by anyone with a server that accepts the defined APIs. In the same way that developers know that their ios app can be installed on all the millions of iphones out there, they will also know that if they build their apps using the standard APIs, it can be installed on all servers that accept such an API.
This common interface also empowers a much larger set of developers – be they “newbies” or front-end experts. It removes the intimidating barrier of setting up and administrating servers, and gives developers the ability to create new apps and iterate on other apps. Today, motivated newbie developers can pick up JavaScript techniques by looking at the JavaScript code of web pages they like. Such a common system would allow a developer, not only to learn from other web pages, but to replicate them in her own apps, and thus recreate similar apps with improved features, or with a slightly different set of design principles or functions aimed at a particular use case.
I would also suggest that what you lose in back-end sophistication by creating a common interface to the server, you can gain in making apps easier to write, in reducing barriers to app creation and distribution, in creating app portability, and in fostering a more dynamic environment of app iteration. This inevitably leads to greater creativity among markers of apps, which could kickstart a virtuous cycle of consumer adoption and new app development.
What’s more, besides giving us a greater variety of apps, this platform would free our data from the shackles of the web services model…
* Some exceptions and caveats to the no-back-end thesis:
tl;dr A theoretical framework for dis-aggregating the web services stack and separating front end apps from back-end servers (databases, files, permissioning). (Part of a series of posts.)
The current web services paradigm relies on a vertically integrated and proprietary set of interfaces and technologies (even if it leverages open source components.) For example, when you access, facebook’s servers send you some files with largely proprietary protocols that define the interactions of the web page and communicate your data back to facebook. Naturally, facebook doesn’t want third parties to take over its core functionality, nor to freely communicate with its servers (except via well-defined third-party Interfaces which can be turned off or changed at its own discretion.) In return companies like facebook assume the security and scalability of their backend infrastructure - they store your data on their own servers and use their own proprietary software to analyse the data as they please, both to improve their services to you, and also to monetise your interactions with advertisements.
The personal server paradigm I am suggesting would dis-integrate (or unbundle) this vertically integrated stack. Instead of accessing, say, a note taking app on Evernote’s servers, Evernote would create an app which you could download and install on your own personal server, much like you could download and install an app on your own computer or on your phone. However, the app would store your notes, not on Evernote’s servers, but on your personal server.
Such an unbundling of web services has a number of advantages, the most fundamental of which is the degrees of freedom it creates by separating the user interface (or app) from the storage of data. For example, under such a schema, you are free to delete your data or turn off your server so no one can access it. More interestingly, you could also delete your note taking app, without deleting your data (i.e. your notes); or you could install a new note taking app, which was created by another developer with a better interface, and grant the new app permission to access your old notes. Or you can even install an independent app that has access to your notes and analyses your note-taking habits. (I will discuss these data freedoms in more detail in a later post.)
Another advantage of disaggregation is that it removes barriers to entry, and allows more actors to compete more easily to provide better apps. Today, all app and web site developers have to grapple with data and web-site security, which they have to provide to their users. But it is hard to be both a security expert, as well as great app developer. And at the least, it takes quite some resources to manage security effectively. It is no wonder that all but the largest companies seem to experience data breaches. In a disaggregated stack, a developer that focuses on a front-end app need not worry about managing users and their security, nor to safeguard its users’ data. In this model, the security is dealt with by another layer in the chain, so it is easier and less expensive for diverse app developers to introduce new apps (especially since incumbent apps don’t have a lock on your data.) App developers can specialize on their area of expertise, unencumbered by adjacent horizontal layers of the value chain. And they can compete to provide the best service to us!
Of course, anytime you slice through a vertically integrated stack to create autonomous horizontal units, you give up (at least initially) on some of the advantages that integration brings. Experienced developers will probably shiver at the thought of not controlling back-end functionalities of an app. However, precedence shows that creating simplicity, defining common interfaces between stack elements, and removing barriers to app-creation can also unleash much creativity and generate value propositions where none existed before.
tl;dr Blockchains are centralised in some fundamental way – the web is fundamentally decentralised. (Part of a series of posts.)
There is a recurring story in Persian literature: how we search for some “ideal” in distant places - be it a Holy Grail or a divinity - only to realize that it lies within ourselves, and that we possess it already. In Attar’s Conference of the Birds, the birds of the world set out to find the legendary Simorgh to guide them. They pass through the seven valleys of Quest, Love, Knowledge, Detachment, Unity, Wonderment and Poverty / Annihilation, only to learn that that the 30 birds that make it to the end are themselves the Simorgh - a play on words as simorgh also means “30 birds”. What they had been seeking elsewhere, they possessed within themselves all along.
Sometimes, when I read about some of the efforts people are making in the blockchain world to seek a decentralized ideal, I get reminded of the Conference of the Birds, as I believe that the web, as it was originally conceived, is indeed, already decentralized in principal– and in many ways, it is more decentralized than blockchains.
Of course, blockchains are an amazing innovation and one expects that they can play a significant role in a decentralized future. But they are not a decentralized remedy to all centralized systems. In fact, blockchains are only decentralized in certain ways, and they are hyper-centralised in others. Vitalik Buterin himself states that “Blockchains are politically decentralized (no one controls them) and architecturally decentralized (no infrastructural central point of failure) but they are logically centralized (there is one commonly agreed state and the system behaves like a single computer).” ( The key here is that by using blockchains, we are effectively sharing the same computer – so in that way, being part of a blockchain is being part of a hyper-centralized giant computer.
To use a simple example, let us imagine we are 5 people wanting to keep our precious, hand-written, leather-bound diaries safe. In a centralized world, we would all put our diary in one central safe, and give someone a key. The centralized solution places trust in one central key holder. The way we imagine decentralization should work is that we would each have a safe with each of our diaries in it. But that’s not how things actually work in the world of blockchains. With blockchains, we would each get a copy of each other’s diaries and we would each keep all of the other diaries in each of our safes. This makes blockchains very decentralized in some ways – there are five copies of the diaries spread out in the safes. But this would not be a good way to keep our personal diaries - we would be storing a copy of our private diaries with 4 other people, who could read it.
Admittedly, in the digital world, the diaries would be encrypted and unreadable by others. But given that previous blockchains are always accessible – ie they are data-retentive - each of us would have all the time in the world to decrypt the other 4 peoples’ diaries. (One of the brilliant innovations of bitcoin was to put time limits on “mining” thus limiting the amount of time each player has to solve a decryption puzzles and to create the next block. But the time limit was designed for a specific purpose. It was not designed to keep previous blocks private – only to make them subsequently irrelevant. This works well if you are keeping transactions and public materials, it doesn’t solve the diary problem above.)
Blockchain enthusiasts would also argue that none of the major blockchain initiatives are suggesting that personal private data be kept on blockchains in the way I have characterized above, and many are trying to solve the issues above. And that would also be fair. But the example above serves to make an important distinction. The “trust” and “decentralization” inherent in some aspects of blockchain technology cannot be used blindly outside the context of the way they are used in the blockchain technology. I have heard too many blockchain enthusiasts describe blockchains by saying that it is like storing your google photos or facebook posts on a decentralized network. This is akin to saying you will store your diary in everybody else’s safe.
I am making this distinction only to try and resolve the above marketing obfuscation or simplification. The way blockchains work, if we put a piece of our data on them (1) our data will remain there forever and (2) our data loses its autonomy because it is part of the large single computer which we cannot control, and from which it can never be extracted. So blockchains violate critical data-freedom principles I had outlined previously. Data on blockchains is neither free, nor mobile, nor autonomous.
That doesn’t mean that blockchains cannot be used to create a market for data storage solutions for example, or to keep timestamped hashes of posts for verification, or that the technology won’t be adapted to address the diary problem in some new way. Each of these innovations may help to unlock a distributed storage market, but they would not be using the those parts of the blockchain technology that have made it so special – the fact that it resolved “trust” and “decentralized control” by replicating copies of your data multiple times and keeping it forever under other people’s control.
So if we assume that data is not to be kept directly on a traditional blockchain, then we can agree that we would still need a place to store our private data – a place which would allow it to retain its freedom. And I suggest that at the least, one viable solution is for our data to safeguarded by using the same web-based technologies that we already have and that we understand and that have matured over the past years, using the same open source layers and open protocols that have enabled such amazing services to come into being over the past decades.
There may certainly be a role for blockchains within a newly decentralized ecosystem, but if we want to store our data and bestow upon it the freedom it deserves, we need not necessarily travel the seven valleys of new technology development, asking strangers for the Holy Grail of decentralization… because what we are seeking we already possess in our own web technology stacks.
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